Author: Freedom Watch

June 27, 2017 MINUTE ORDER. Having considered the arguments submitted by the parties at the scheduling conference held 6/23/17, this Court has satisfied itself that–although a close call–this case is sufficiently related to Klayman v. Obama, 13-cv-851, for this Court to retain jurisdiction. Defendants are hereby ordered to submit any Opposition to Plaintiff’s Motion for a Preliminary Injunction [7] and any Motion to Dismiss by 8/1/2017. Plaintiff is directed to file any Reply in Support of his Motion for a Preliminary Injunction and any Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss by 8/15/2017. Defendants’ Reply in Support of their Motion…

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The New York Times used a full page to print all of ‘Trump’s lies’ since taking office By Sonam Sheth June 26, 2017 The New York Times used a full page in this week’s paper to print out every lie President Donald Trump has publicly told since taking office just over five months ago. The list contains Trump’s contradictions on a slew of topics, like the Iraq War, NATO, the administration’s controversial travel ban, the crowd size at Trump’s inauguration, the ongoing controversy over Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign’s possible role in…

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Chaffetz: Justice watchdog also looking at Lynch’s role in FBI’s Clinton email probe By Joseph Weber Fox News June 25, 2017 Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of House oversight committee, said Saturday that the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office, in addition to a Senate panel, is looking into whether former Attorney General Loretta Lynch tried to squash the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation. “This is really a pivotal moment,” said Chaffetz on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” amid three probes into whether President Trump’s presidential team colluded with Russia during the 2016 White House race that have…

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CIA director says intelligence leaks have ‘accelerated’ By Bryan Bender POLITICO June 25, 2017 CIA Director Mike Pompeo on Saturday said the rate of intelligence leaks has “accelerated,” attributing the trend to the “worship of Edward Snowden” and to WikiLeaks. “In some ways, I do think it’s accelerated,” Pompeo said of intel disclosures during an interview with conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt on his new MSNBC program. “I think there is a phenomenon, the worship of Edward Snowden, and those who steal American secrets for the purpose of self-aggrandizement or money or for whatever their motivation may be, does…

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By Keith Collins Quartz June 25, 2017 When firewalls, network-monitoring services, and antivirus software aren’t enough, there’s always been one surefire way to protect computers that control sensitive operations like power grids and water pumps: cut them off from the internet entirely. But new documents published by WikiLeaks on June 22 suggest that even when such extreme measures are taken, no computer is safe from motivated, well-resourced hackers. The 11 documents describe a piece of software called “Brutal Kangaroo,” a set of tools built for infiltrating isolated, “air-gapped” computers by targeting internet-connected networks within the same organization. It’s the…

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