Author: Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman battles claim ex-FBI chief, Mueller are ‘men of great integrity’ By Larry Klayman WND June 23, 2017 One day following the explosive revelations of Edward Snowden that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been engaging in mass surveillance of hundreds of millions of Americans without probable cause, I brought suit against then-President Barack Obama and his intelligence agencies. The case was randomly assigned to the Honorable Richard J. Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, one of the few non-Obama-Clinton appointees left in this tribunal. To accelerate the case I then filed…

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Hearing scheduled Friday on lawsuit over buried investigation into surveillance By Bob Unruh WND June 21, 2017 A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has acted quickly in a case alleging fired FBI chief James Comey obstructed justice by burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans by their government. As WND reported, whistleblower Dennis Montgomery — who worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the director of national intelligence — and his lawyer, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, filed a request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction late…

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Date: Friday, June 23 Time: 3:30 P.M. Place: U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Address: 3rd and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Courtroom 18 (Washington, D.C.). Late yesterday evening, the Honorable Richard J. Leon set a status conference concerning the motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction motion of NSA/CIA whistleblower Dennis Montgomery and his attorney Larry Klayman filed on Monday to enjoin the intelligence agencies from continued illegal and unconstitutional surveillance as recently disclosed through a declassified order of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), as initially reported by Circa news. The complaint at issue also alleges…

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McCain: No American has seen healthcare bill, but I’m sure Russia has By Max Greenwood TheHill June 20, 2017 Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he hasn’t met an American who has seen the Senate Republicans’ healthcare bill yet, though he’s “sure the Russians have” gotten their hands on it, Bloomberg reported. Asked Tuesday whether he has seen a copy of the legislation, McCain said he has not. Continue Reading…..

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‘Concerted illegal actions’ to cover up illegal surveillance of Americans By Bob Unruh WND June 20, 2017 A former contractor for several federal agencies and his attorney, who both sued former FBI Director James Comey claiming he obstructed justice by burying an investigation into the mass surveillance of Americans, are asking a federal court for a protection order preventing the destruction of evidence in the case. The plaintiffs are Dennis Montgomery — a whistleblower who worked as a contractor for the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the director of national intelligence — and his lawyer,…

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3-month review finds random homicide, robbery-gone-bad unlikely By Alicia Powe WND June 20, 2017 WASHINGTON — DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was brutally murdered on July 10, 2016, on a street near his Washington home — sparking discussion that he might have been the source of party insider emails turned over to WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential race — probably wasn’t the victim of a random homicide. Or a robbery gone bad. Rather, his murder “more likely (was) committed by a hired killer or serial murderer.” Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch June 20, 2017 On July 29, 1994, almost 23 years ago, I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch to be the “People’s Justice Department.” At the time, I had been a trial and international lawyer, and before that a prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice for 17 years. Over my legal career, I had experienced a great deal of injustice in the courts and government in general, with judges and government regulators dishonestly favoring the vested establishment interests. Often, the amount of money donated to influential politicians, and the…

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