Author: Freedom Watch

Motion Will Cause Court to Move Quickly (Washington, D.C., June 20, 2017). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and a former federal prosecutor, announced that he and his client whistleblower Dennis Montgomery have moved for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction in their lawsuit against former FBI Director James Comey, the FBI itself, and the NSA and CIA, among other defendants. The underlying lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Freedom Watch is styled Montgomery and Klayman v. Comey et. al, Civil Action Number…

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FOX 5 Atlanta June 18, 2017 Dozens of people protested peacefully outside CNN on Saturday in what was called a “Fake News” protest. It was organized following a shooting on Wednesday aimed at GOP lawmakers at the Congressional baseball game. The protest took place between 11:00 am and 12:30 pm, and the organizing group is expected to hold a rally in support of Karen Handel on Sunday in Marietta. Continue Reading…..

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Trump lawyer Sekulow: President has no knowledge of being investigated By Joseph Weber Fox News June 18, 2017 Jay Sekulow, a member of President Trump’s legal team, said Sunday he has no knowledge of the president being the target of a federal probe, following Trump’s recent statement suggesting that he is being investigated. “The president has not been notified by anyone that he is under investigation,” Sekulow told “Fox News Sunday,” in a heated exchange with host Chris Wallace about whether Trump could be under investigation without knowing. Continue Reading…..

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Gowdy: Mueller a ‘quintessential straight arrow’ By Max Greenwood TheHill June 18, 2017 Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the new chairman of the House Oversight Committee, says he still has faith in special counsel Robert Mueller despite accusations by some Republicans that the former FBI director is politicizing the Russia investigation. “I do have confidence in [Mueller]. I have confidence in the women and men he has assembled on this team,” Gowdy told the Wall Street Journal, saying that special counsel is “your quintessential straight arrow.” Continue Reading…..

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Judge in Bill Cosby Case Declares a Mistrial By Graham Bowley, Richard Pérez-Peña and Jon Hurdle New York Times June 17, 2017 In their sixth day of deliberations, jurors sent word to Judge Steven T. O’Neill that they could not reach a unanimous verdict on the charges that in 2004, Mr. Cosby, one of the world’s best-known entertainers, drugged and assaulted Andrea Constand in his home near here. The Montgomery County District Attorney, Kevin R. Steele, immediately announced that he planned to retry the case. Continue Reading…..

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Hannity: Deep state’s massive effort to destroy Trump Fox News June 17, 2017 Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Friday night slammed news outlets like The New York Times and CNN as “willing accomplices” for the deep state that is intent on damaging President Trump’s presidency by leaking, in many cases, misinformation to the American public. “The major news outlets, citing unnamed sources, “have all gotten it wrong on this issue,” Hannity said. “They all, at this point with the American public, should have zero credibility.” Continue Reading…..

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Federal civil rights agency will investigate the Trump administration By Safia Samee Ali NBC News June 17, 2017 A federal civil rights agency announced an investigation into federal civil rights enforcement within his administration. The United States Commission on Civil Rights, a bipartisan agency charged with advising the president and Congress on civil rights matters, unanimously approved a comprehensive two-year probe into the “degree to which current budgets and staffing levels allow civil rights offices to perform” their functions within the administration, said the agency in a statement. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman WND June 16, 2017 The shooting this week in Alexandria, Virginia, was a tragedy. Republican congressmen, senators and their staffs were gunned down by a crazed leftist lunatic bent on killing as many of them as he could. Fortunately, no one was killed, but Majority Whip Steve Scalise was critically wounded, most likely never to fully recover. But while the attack was wholly unjustified and abhorrent, the rage that engulfed this leftist madman, a supporter of socialist senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, regrettably will not be exclusive to either him or the left. Indeed,…

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