Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman Newsmax June 12, 2017 It was last Thursday morning and I awoke at 4:30 a.m., showered, dressed, and headed down to the Senate Hart Building on Capitol Hill to meet Freedom Watch’s process server at 6:00 a.m. in front of the main entrance. Already in line to enter this office building were about 100 mostly young interns, students, and other concerned citizens from the Washington, D.C. area and around the nation. They were there to observe and thus take part in this “historic” hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The hearing was scheduled that day to…

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By Alicia Powe WND June 11, 2017 WASHINGTON — A year before presidential candidates would be chosen to represent their parties in the 2016 election, murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich expressed concerns about the integrity of ballots before a panel of election-commission officials in a forum captured on video. In video posted on YouTube Thursday, Rich questioned a panel of commission officials during a 2015 Election Data Summit about why ballots are rejected or cast as provisional. Continue Reading…..

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McCain says American leadership was better under Obama: report By Olivia Beavers TheHill June 11, 2017 Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said American leadership was stronger under President Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, according to a Guardian report published Sunday. Asked if the country stood on sturdier ground under Obama’s leadership, McCain said “yes,” according to the report. Continue Reading…..

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Senate Democrats enter new territory on Russia probes with push to grill Sessions, Trump By Judson Berger Fox News June 11, 2017 Senate Democrats are looking to intensify the Russia-related investigations on Capitol Hill despite a call from Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to abandon the “collusion” track for lack of evidence — with plans to grill Attorney General Jeff Sessions and even a bid to get President Trump under oath. While Trump has not responded to the invitation, Sessions already has agreed to answer questions Tuesday before the Senate Intelligence Committee in the probe of Russian…

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Central Park’s ‘Julius Caesar’ depicts Roman dictator as Trump Fox News June 11, 2017 Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is a political thriller and the version now being performed by The Public Theater in Central Park doesn’t skimp on drama. In this case, though, the drama isn’t about the plot, which was written some 400 years ago, but about the way Julius Caesar, an ancient Roman dictator, is depicted: in a business suit with an American flag pin, a long tie, and reddish-blond hair. Continue Reading…..

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Comey fallout weighs on the GOP By Alexander Bolton TheHill June 11, 2017 Republicans are trying to figure out a way past swirling questions about ties between the Trump administration and the Russian government, with GOP strategists calling the investigation and surrounding controversies a public relations nightmare that has dragged on for too long. Former FBI Director James Comey did not inflict any deadly blows against President Trump when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, Republicans believe, but they’re concerned there will be more damaging revelations in the weeks ahead. Continue Reading…..

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Comey Aided by Committee Republican Chairman Richard Burr! By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch June 11, 2017 It was last Thursday morning and I awoke at 4:30 am, showered, dressed and headed down to the Senate Hart Building on Capitol Hill to meet Freedom Watch’s process server at 6 a.m. in front of the main entrance. Already in line to enter this office building were about 100 mostly young interns, students, and other concerned citizens from the DC area and around the nation. They were there to observe and thus take part in this “historic”…

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Report: Comey Will Be Offered $10M for Trump-Clinton Tell-All Book Fox News Insider June 11, 2017 Former FBI Director James Comey was reportedly offered $10 million for a book deal this week. Sandra Smith reported that publishers are lining up to get Comey to share all the details of his relationship with President Trump and his investigation of Hillary Clinton. The Daily Mail reported that Comey responded to a question during the hearing with an answer that may have foreshadowed the news. Continue Reading…..

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