Author: Freedom Watch

Go to June 4, 2017 This week Larry will discuss the news of the week and will be joined by Pat Smith and Charles Woods to discuss the latest on the Benghazi scandal as well as Larry Pratt of Gun Owners Of America to talk about the 2nd Amendment and the Bundy Case. Also special guest BEN STEIN will discuss Kathy Griffin and Leftist Hollywood.

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Why Do They Hate Her? By Jack Shafer POLITICO Magazine June 4, 2017 On January 20, 1961, Richard Nixon retired from public life. After losing a painfully close race for the White House, the former vice president relocated his family to California—his home state and scene of so many early political triumphs, where he and his wife, Pat, now planned to build a handsome, four-bedroom ranch house in an exclusive subdivision in Bel Air. For the first time in his life, Nixon was earning real money—roughly $3 million annually in today’s dollars—as a lawyer, syndicated columnist and book…

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By Elise Solé Yahoo News June 4, 2017 Ivanka Trump has been called many things from privileged to successful, from accomplice to complicit, but one new label has provoked outrage on social media: “The most powerful Jewish woman in America.” The title was bestowed on the first daughter by CNN which recently published a story titled, “Ivanka Trump: “America’s Most Powerful Jewish Woman.” The article details Ivanka’s 2009 conversion to Judaism before marrying Jared Kushner, who is an Orthodox Jew, and the private nature of her faith. Continue Reading…..

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By John Moody Fox News June 4, 2017 For far too long, Western societies, including in the United States, have tried to rationalize what has now become an avalanche of violent hatred of democratic freedom, basic human rights, and freedom to choose if and how to worship. We have asked if some of this is our fault, if we haven’t listened to the voices of religious extremism, or if we have failed to understand their message. The result in Britain: government officials estimate there are more than 20,000 jihadists living among the population. Here’s their message: We hate you…

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Kathy Griffin feels ‘betrayed’ by Anderson Cooper after firing Fox News June 3, 2017 While Kathy Griffin continues her sympathy crusade after weathering a storm of criticism for her terrible Trump severed-head photo, sources say she’s seething about how Anderson Cooper dropped her from his CNN New Year’s Eve broadcast like a hot potato. Sources said Griffin had expected CNN “golden boy” Cooper to stand by her, but the news network swiftly announced she was fired from the NYE broadcast with Cooper, which they’ve done together for 10 years. Continue Reading…..

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‘March for Truth’: Ex-Obama White House stars, liberal heavyweights eye Trump Fox News June 3, 2017 Protesters are marching Saturday in nearly 130 U.S. cities to call for what they consider the need for more thorough federal investigations into whether President Trump’s associates colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential elections. The rallying in Washington on the National Mall is being held within blocks of a pro-Trump rally outside of the White House. Continue Reading…..

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