Author: Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman slams jurist who shot down legal action against Hillary By Larry Klayman WND June 2, 2017 I was having dinner on Miami Beach, Florida, last Friday evening and looked briefly at my “NSA-hacked cellphone” as I waited for my order of guacamole dip. What I was shocked to see was a court order emailed automatically by the clerk’s office of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia of the Honorable Amy Berman Jackson, a Harvard educated judicial appointee to the federal court of former President Barack Obama. The court order concerned a case I…

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Kathy Griffin: Donald Trump ‘Broke Me’ Newsmax June 2, 2017 Embattled comedian Kathy Griffin says she’s not afraid of Donald Trump and plans to keep making fun of him but maintained that she’s sorry for a video that depicted her holding a likeness of the president’s severed, bloody head. At a rambling press conference Friday, Griffin tearfully predicted her career is over and said Trump “broke me.” Since the video was posted Tuesday, she has lost her job co-hosting CNN’s New Year’s Eve special and had five comedy shows canceled. Trump, first lady Melania Trump and Donald Trump…

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Trump, Nunes demand answers on Obama-era spying, ‘unmasking’ Fox News June 1, 2017 President Trump on Thursday directly accused the Obama Administration of improperly surveilling the American people, a day after Congressional subpoenas were issued seeking records from U.S. spy agencies about Obama officials’ requests. The CIA, NSA and FBI were served with subpoenas Wednesday afternoon for documents relating to former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice, ex-CIA director John Brennan and former U.N. ambassador Samantha Power. The subpoenas, signed by House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Ca., explicitly referenced the “unmasking” of U.S. citizens. Continue Reading…..

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Clinton says she takes responsibility for loss to Trump — but blames plenty By Cody Derespina Fox News June 1, 2017 Hillary Clinton says she’s not running for president again, but she may be running out of excuses for why she lost the White House to President Trump. Former FBI Director James Comey, Facebook, The New York Times, Russia, WikiLeaks, misogyny, the pressure of high expectations and the Democratic National Committee have been among the people, organizations and attitudes Clinton has saddled with responsibility in recent days for her stunning November loss. Continue Reading…..

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The Obamas just bought their rental home in Washington By Krissah Thompson, Kathy Orton, Emily Heil Washington Post June 1, 2017 Looks like former president Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are putting down deeper roots in Washington: After renting a Kalorama home for their post-White House stint, the couple have purchased the eight-bedroom, nine-and-a-half-bath home for $8.1 million, according to property records. The Obamas have said they plan to remain in D.C. while their younger daughter, Sasha, finishes high school at Sidwell Friends. After leaving the executive mansion in January, the family settled into a…

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Russia successfully launches ‘unstoppable’ cruise missile, says report By Phoebe Weston Mail Online May 31, 2017 Russia has launched five successful flights of a hypersonic jet that is capable of destroying an aircraft carrier with a single impact, according to a new report. The Zircon cruise missile travels between 3,800mph and 4,600mph – five to six times the speed of sound – and puts Russia ‘half a decade’ ahead of the US’, the report says. Continue Reading…..

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How the Trump Administration Is Dismantling Obama’s Civil Rights Legacy By Mark Joseph Stern Slate Magazine May 31, 2017 Shortly before the 2016 election, I wrote an article describing how President Barack Obama had managed to implement his civil rights agenda with little help—and, at times, much resistance—from Congress. Obama, I explained, had seized upon federal agencies’ authority to interpret civil rights law, expanding protections for minorities by construing existing statutes as broadly as possible. I argued that the result was a legacy of equality and inclusion shielded by administrative safeguards that would endure well beyond Obama’s tenure.…

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Hillary Clinton just unabashedly threw the Democratic National Committee under the bus The Week Magazine May 31, 2017 Hillary Clinton had bitter words to share about the Democratic National Committee while speaking with journalists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher at Recode’s CodeCon on Wednesday. “I get the nomination, I’m now the nominee of the Democratic Party,” she recalled. “I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party.” Asked to clarify, Clinton added: “I mean, it was bankrupt; it was on the verge of insolvency; its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong.” On the other hand, Clinton said Donald Trump…

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