Author: Freedom Watch

The vulgar realism of Rex Tillerson’s State Department By Daniel W. Drezner Washington Post May 30, 2017 Unfortunately, my prediction from last week has come true, and the European leg of President Trump’s first overseas trip did not go well at all: Germany’s foreign minister launched a scathing criticism of Donald Trump on Monday, claiming the US President’s actions have “weakened” the West and accusing the US government of standing “against the interests of the European Union.” Continue Reading…..

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How Conservatives Finally Awoke to the Dangers of Sean Hannity By Conor Friedersdorf The Atlantic May 30, 2017 As Sean Hannity hyped a conspiracy theory about the murder of a Democratic National Committee staffer last week, touting it with the zeal of a true believer without citing evidence that justified that belief, the combative Fox News host declared himself under fire and in need of backup. Lashing out at what he called “Twitter snowflakes” and “the liberal effort to silence me,” he took particular umbrage at a campaign by the progressive group Media Matters for America to pressure…

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By Rowan Scarborough The Washington Times May 30, 2017 What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election. It was then-CIA Director John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House. Continue Reading…..

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How a single sentence from Angela Merkel showed what Trump means to the world By Chris Cillizza CNN May 29, 2017 On Sunday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel uttered a single sentence that speaks to how fundamentally President Donald Trump has reshaped — and will continue to reshape — the world, and America’s place in it. “The times when we could completely rely on others are, to an extent, over,” Merkel said at a beer hall(!) rally to support her campaign. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch May 29, 2017 In the wake of my true predictions that Hillary Clinton would again try to run for the presidency despite her stunning defeat last November 9, as she forecast just the other day by brazenly calling in effect for the impeachment of President Donald Trump by referencing in her speech at Wellesley College former President Richard Nixon’s impeachment, she has firmly thrust herself into the battle to destroy The Donald. Coupled with revelations that former President Obama’s National Security Agency, undoubtedly at his direction, engaged in massive constitutional…

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Fox News Insider May 28, 2017 In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro said federal authorities must identify the “traitorous” leaker inside the Trump White House. Pirro said that the yet-unknown person giving secretive information to the press is “an enemy of the United States.” Continue Reading…..

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Angela Merkel says Germany can no longer rely on America under Donald Trump By Samuel Osborne The Independent May 28, 2017 Angela Merkel has suggested Germany and Europe can no longer rely on the US under Donald Trump. Speaking at a campaign event held in a Bavarian beer tent, the German Chancellor emphasised the need for friendly relations with the US, Britain and Russia, but added: “We Europeans must really take our destiny into our own hands.” Ms Merkel said that as the traditional western alliance is threatened by the new US presidency and Brexit, “the times in…

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Conservative host: Hannity ‘aided and abetted’ his own demise By Mallory Shelbourne The Hill May 28, 2017 Conservative talk-radio host Steve Deace said Saturday that media figures like Sean Hannity have “aided and abetted their own demise,” citing the current controversy over Hannity’s position on Fox News. “Hannity is not being targeted because he’s a conservative,” Deace argued in a Facebook post. Continue Reading…..

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