Author: Freedom Watch

Hannity loses advertiser after pushing Seth Rich conspiracy theory By John Bowden The Hill May 24, 2017 Fox News host Sean Hannity lost an advertiser Wednesday after pushing a baseless conspiracy theory surrounding the killing of a former Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer, BuzzFeed reported. announced that it would immediately pull all advertisements from Hannity’s 10 p.m. show, a day after the Fox host said he would stop discussing the story of former DNC staffer Seth Rich “for now.” Continue Reading…..

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Brennan says he saw intel linking Russia to Trump campaign associates By Barnini Chakraborty Fox News May 23, 2017 Former CIA Director John Brennan threw another log on the Trump-Russia controversy on Tuesday, testifying to House lawmakers that he saw intelligence linking Moscow to people involved with President Trump’s 2016 campaign. “I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals,” Brennan said. Continue Reading…..

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Ariana Grande concert attack: Trump calls on allies to ‘obliterate this evil ideology’ after Manchester bombing Fox News May 23, 2017 President Trump called Tuesday for “all civilized nations” to unite against terrorism and “obliterate this evil ideology,” citing the deadly Manchester attack to underscore the central message of his foreign trip as he concluded a visit to the Holy Land. “All civilized nations must be united in this effort. This trip is focused on that goal,” Trump said at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, after meeting earlier with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. Continue…

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Fox News staffers ‘disgusted’ at network’s promotion of Seth Rich conspiracy theory By Oliver Darcy CNN Money May 23, 2017 Fox News staffers expressed frustration on Monday that on-air personalities at their network like prime time host Sean Hannity are continuing to peddle a conspiracy theory about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich. “I’m disgusted by it,” one Fox News employee told CNN. Rich was shot to death last July in the streets of Washington, DC. The Metropolitan Police Department continues to investigate the murder and police say there is evidence to suggest Rich was…

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