Author: Freedom Watch

By Sam Sorbo Fox News May 22, 2017 Outgoing California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton performed the only action left to an impotent, leftist, cadre head in a lawful society. He shouted. He likely would’ve preferred some kind of violent action, but instead he simply advocated for one. Specifically, he invited the listening-impaired translators onto the stage Saturday at the California’s Democratic Party convention in Sacramento to “thank them,” and then, as they were flashing their hands in applause for his service to the party, he put his middle finger in the air and lead a chant, “F*** Donald…

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Melania Trump slaps at Donald’s hand on Tel Aviv tarmac May 22, 2017 President Trump and wife, Melania, touched down in Israel on Monday morning, and their arrival included a strange tarmac moment between the U.S. commander in chief and first lady. The president and first lady were greeted in Tel Aviv by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and wife, Sara, who walked side by side as they left the tarmac. As President Trump and Melania moved along, the president reached for his wife’s hand. Continue Reading…..

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McCain: Russian Minister ‘Had No Business in the Oval Office’ By Eric Mack Newsmax May 21, 2017 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is “nothing but a propagandist” for “a stooge of a thug and a murderer,” Russian President Vladimir Putin, and he “had no business in the Oval Office,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said Sunday. “Mr. Lavrov is the stooge of a thug and a murderer who used Russian precision weapons to strike hospitals in Aleppo, who has committed human rights issues all over the place,” McCain told “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace. Continue Reading…..

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Graduates walk out on Pence at Notre Dame commencement Associated Press May 21, 2017 SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) — Dozens of graduates and family members silently stood and walked out Sunday as Vice President Mike Pence began his address at Notre Dame’s commencement ceremony. Pence, the former governor of Indiana, was invited to speak after Notre Dame students and faculty protested the prospect of President Donald Trump being invited to become the seventh U.S. president to give the commencement address. Continue Reading…..

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Congressional panels pledge thorough probe into Comey firing Associated Press May 21, 2017 WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of key congressional committees pledged Sunday to proceed with aggressive investigations into Russia’s meddling in the U.S. election and any ties with the Trump campaign, saying the American people need a full airing as to why former FBI director James Comey was ousted. Comey was fired by President Donald Trump earlier this month. The former director agreed to testify before the Senate intelligence committee after the Memorial Day holiday. Continue Reading…..

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‘It’s 11th Century’: CNN’s Jake Tapper Rips All-Male Toby Keith Concert in Saudi Arabia By Noor Al-Sibai Raw Story May 21, 2017 As the news focused on President Donald Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia and the speech he plans to give on Islam, CNN’s Jake Tapper focused on another part of the president’s itinerary — that country star Toby Keith was performing for a “men’s only crowd” at the summit in Riyadh. “I mean, are we supposed to, as Americans, just sit back and look at this and say, sure, just half the population is not allowed because…

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