Author: Freedom Watch

North Korea fires another ballistic missile By Brad Lendon CNN May 21, 2017 North Korea fired off its second missile test in a week on Sunday, sending a medium-range ballistic missile into the waters off its east coast, according to statements from the US, South Korean and Japanese governments. South Korea, which called the launch “reckless and irresponsible,” said the missile flew about 500 kilometers (300 miles) from an area near Pukchang, in western North Korea. Continue Reading…..

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Joe Lieberman’s Benghazi Connection: Trump’s possible FBI chief pick lobbied for a Libyan politican who courted a Benghazi terrorist suspect By David Corn Mother Jones May 20, 2017 As President Donald Trump escaped Washington on Friday for his first overseas trip, the White House announced that he wasn’t yet ready to reveal his pick to replace James Comey, the FBI director he brazenly fired the previous week. But one name on his list appeared to be ahead of the others: former Sen. Joe Lieberman, the onetime Democrat who was Vice President Al Gore’s running mate in the 2000…

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‘Sessions must go’ projected on DOJ headquarters USA Today May 20, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions dressed in a Ku Klux Klan costume and various hashtags were projected on Department of Justice headquarters and the FBI building in Washington, D.C., Thursday night. Robin Bell (@bellvisuals) claimed credit for the sayings — #SESSIONSMUSTOGO, #WeNeedToSeeTheMemo and #fireSessions — decorating the buildings on Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the U.S. Capitol. Continue Reading…..

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Larry Klayman excoriates GOP ‘political pygmies’ targeting own president By Larry Klayman May 19, 2017 One has come to expect the worst from the vile, ultra-leftist, political hacks in the Democratic Party. There has been no falsehood or cheap, low-class tactic that is beneath the Nancy Pelosis, Chuck Schumers, or Elizabeth Warrens in this bankrupt political tribe. So when they, along with their leftist hacks in the media, the prime time “boys” of CNN, the prime time “girls” and communists of MSNBC and the slimy reporters (with the exception of a few) of the Washington Post, New…

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By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit May 17, 2017 FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett argued Tuesday that if James Comey obstructed justice and held onto a memo of the president asking him to end an investigation then Comey could be prosecuted. Oops. FOX News reported: “Three months ago, the then-FBI Director met with President Trump. Following their private conversation, Comey did what he always does —he wrote a memorandum to himself memorializing the conversation. Good lawyers do that routinely. Continue Reading…..

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