Author: Freedom Watch

McConnell thinks Garland as FBI director ‘fantastic idea,’ ex-adviser says Fox News May 14, 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is behind the idea of Judge Merrick Garland, whose Supreme Court nomination McConnell squashed, becoming the next FBI director, a former adviser to the Kentucky senator said Sunday. “I think the senate majority leader thinks that’s a fantastic idea,” former adviser Josh Holmes, who now runs the strategy firm Cavalry LLC, told “Fox News Sunday.” “He certainly thinks (Garland) will be qualified. And (McConnell) certainly thinks he would be somebody that he could support.” Continue Reading…..

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Guests: Government Whistle Blowers & Enemy of The State Writer Freedom Watch TV May 14, 2017 The first airing of “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman” via the Radio America Network Gov’t whistle blower Dennis Montgomery joins Larry to discuss the gov’t cover up of released info. David Marconi, writer of the great movie, Enemy of The State joins Larry to discuss how he saw what was coming with regard to the gov’t watching you!

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Richard Burr Leads Russia Inquiry, Whether He Likes It or Not By Matt Flegenheimer New York Times May 14, 2017 WASHINGTON — The premonition came in a Winston-Salem conference room, on an otherwise happy election night in 2004, before Richard M. Burr of North Carolina had even declared victory in his bid to join the Senate. News outlets had begun calling the race. A watch party was waiting for him. But his mind was elsewhere, at least for a moment. Continue Reading…..

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By Wanda Carruthers Newsmax May 14, 2017 President Donald Trump was right to fire former FBI Director James Comey, said Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, but it shouldn’t stop there, suggesting he should be “called into a grand jury and possibly prosecuted for criminal obstruction of justice.” Klayman told Newsmax TV’s “America Talks Live” on Friday that while Comey focused the agency’s attention on Russia possibly meddling in the 2016 presidential election, a NSA and CIA contractor had provided information detailing illegal surveillance of government officials, but the FBI “buried it” for two years. Continue Reading…..

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Is President Trump Obstructing Justice? By Nicholas Kristof New York Times May 14, 2017 When George Washington was preparing to take office, everybody wondered what to call him. Senators proposed lofty titles like “Illustrious Highness” and “Sacred Majesty.” But Washington expressed irritation at such fawning, so today we are led by a modest “Mr. President.” Later, Washington surrendered office after two terms, underscoring that institutions prevail over personalities and that, in the words of the biographer Ron Chernow, “the president was merely the servant of the people.” Continue Reading…..

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Trump’s top aides must go By John Podesta Washington Post May 13, 2017 John Podesta, the chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, served as counselor to President Barack Obama and chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. Are you searching for a common thread for all the craziness emanating from President Trump’s White House during the past week? To review: Continue Reading…..

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Gateway Pundit May 13, 2017 Larry Klayman, President of Freedom Watch and the founder of Judicial Watch, wrote an open letter calling for former FBI Director James Comey to be indicted for obstruction of justice. Klayman accused Comey of burying evidence from a whistleblower he worked with that may verify POTUS Trump was surveilled by the Obama administration. Klayman represents Dennis Montgomery, a whistleblower TGP detailed in a recent article, who delivered 47 hard drives with over 600 million pages of information coming out of that to Comey’s general counsel James Baker. Comey did nothing with the information. Continue…

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Head of FBI Group: Agents ‘Appalled’ at Comey’s Removal By John Gizzi Newsmax May 13, 2017 Despite the White House claim that FBI Director James Comey had “lost the confidence” of his agents in the field, the head of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI told Newsmax that Comey was highly regarded by current and former agents. “The overwhelming opinion of our membership is that Director Comey was outstanding,” said Nancy Savage, executive director of the 80-year-old society that includes more than 8,500 members. Continue Reading…..

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