Author: Freedom Watch

Top Democrats say Americans will ‘die’ from ObamaCare overhaul passed by GOP House Fox News May 6, 2017 Top elected Democrats are taking their opposition to the ObamaCare overhaul plan passed by House Republican to the extreme — arguing Americans will “die” as a result of the changes. “Families will go bankrupt. People will die,” Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Thursday after the House passed the measure and moved the issue to the Senate, which Republicans also control. Continue Reading…..

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Larry Klayman notes 20 years later they no longer call it ‘new media’ By Larry Klayman May 5, 2017 We celebrate the 20th anniversary of WND with congratulations and a well-deserved tribute to its founder Joseph Farah and its dedicated staff and contributing authors. Today, the American news media have been turned upside down. WND has been one of the leaders in an unexpected and surprising transformation. Today, the historic role of a vibrant free press has been taken over by dedicated news outlets like WND once dismissed as experimental “new media.” The fossilized remains of traditional…

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George Soros battles $10B lawsuit, familiar charges of wielding political influence By Brooke Singman Fox News May 5, 2017 A $10 billion suit against George Soros accuses the self-styled humanitarian of meddling in the politics of a poor African country in order to settle his own scores, a charge the billionaire’s critics say reflects his longtime modus operandi. The 86-year-old investor, who controls a web of international nonprofits in addition to his vast financial empire, used his sway with the government of Guinea to freeze Israeli company BSG Resources out of the West African nation’s lucrative iron ore…

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Rand Paul requests info on whether Obama surveilled him By Joe Uchill The Hill May 5, 2017 Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says he has asked the intelligence community and White House for any evidence that he was surveilled by former President Barack Obama. “I have formally requested from the WH and the Intel Committees info on whether I was surveilled by Obama admin and or the Intel community!” Paul tweeted Friday. The tweet appears to build off of President Trump’s claim, presented without evidence, that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower during last year’s presidential race. Continue Reading…..…

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Trump calls out Rice for refusal to testify to Congress Fox News May 4, 2017 President Trump on Thursday called out Susan Rice for refusing to testify before a Senate committee investigating both Russian meddling in the 2016 election and allegations of Obama-era spying on Team Trump. “Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor to President Obama, is refusing to testify before a Senate Subcommittee next week on allegations of unmasking Trump transition officials. Not good!” Trump wrote in a pair of tweets. Continue Reading…..

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