Author: Freedom Watch

Susan Rice won’t testify before Senate on Russia hacking, ‘unmasking’ Fox News May 4, 2017 Susan Rice, Barack Obama’s longtime national security adviser, declined Wednesday to testify before a Senate subcommittee about Russian activities during the 2016 election campaign. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. had requested that Rice appear before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on Monday. Continue Reading…..

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Roger Stone claims Sean Hannity made ‘insane effort’ to be White House chief of staff By Joe Concha The Hill May 3, 2017 President Trump’s former campaign adviser, Roger Stone, claims he “had to kill” an “insane effort” by Fox News host Sean Hannity to become White House chief of staff “Sean Hannity and his lackey Bill Shine blocked me from Fox because I blocked Sean’s insane effort to become @realDonaldTrump [White House chief of staff],” Stone tweeted Tuesday night. Continue Reading…..

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Iran attempted missile launch from submarine, US officials say By Lucas Tomlinson Fox News May 3, 2017 Iran attempted to launch a cruise missile from a submarine in the Strait of Hormuz on Tuesday but the test failed, two U.S. officials told Fox News. An Iranian Yono-class “midget” submarine conducted the missile launch. North Korea and Iran are the only two countries in the world that operate this type of submarine. In February, Iran claimed to have successfully tested a submarine-launched missile. It was not immediately clear if Tuesday’s test was the first time Iran had attempted to…

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax May 3, 2017 The report issued yesterday before today’s House Intelligence Committee hearing on illegal government surveillance, which “reveals” that the National Security Agency (NSA) unmasked — at the request of Obama officials — about 2,000 names of American citizens in 2016, comes as no surprise. In two successful lawsuits which I brought against President Barack Obama’s NSA and the other intelligence agencies in 2013, having resulted in preliminary injunctions (see, and which in principle are continuing to discovery and trial, I have pressed the presiding federal judge, the Honorable Richard J. Leon, to…

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Trump seeks steps from Abbas to promote peace with Israel By Matthew Lee Associated Press May 3, 2017 President Donald Trump will press Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas Wednesday to end payments to families of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails, according to U.S. officials, one of several actions Washington believes could lead to resumed peace talks with Israel. Other actions include a Palestinian end to anti-Israel rhetoric and incitement of violence, said officials familiar with planning for the meeting. It will be Trump and Abbas’ first face-to-face discussion. Continue Reading…..

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Justice Department Lawyers in Federal Programs Branch Lied to Judge Richard J. Leon! Was Trump Right? NSA Sought to ‘Unmask’ 1,934 Americans in Intelligence Reports Newsmax May 3, 2017 Government officials requested to know the identities of more than 1,900 Americans whose information was swept up in National Security Agency surveillance programs last year, according to an intelligence report issued Tuesday. The identities of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents were found in 3,914 intelligence reports the NSA distributed last year, the report said. The annual report comes just weeks after President Donald Trump accused former President…

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