Author: Freedom Watch

Tens of Thousands Expected in May Day Protests Across U.S. By Tim Stelloh NBC News May 1, 2017 Happy May Day, Donald Trump. Tens of thousands of protesters and marchers are expected in the streets Monday amid what organizers describe as a surge in energy against the president and his administration’s policies. Rallies and protests invoking the 131-year-old deadly labor rally in Chicago are planned from Cedar Falls, Iowa, to New York City and Seattle. Continue Reading…..

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Kasich’s Call for ‘Taking Out’ North Korean Leaders Echoes What CIA Did in ’50s and ’60s By John Gizzi Newsmax April 30, 2017 In remarks that startled reporters at a Washington D.C., breakfast Friday morning, Ohio Gov. John Kasich called for “taking out the North Korean leadership” as an alternative to “moving big warships in.” In using the term “taking out” the Soviet-style regime in Pyongyang, the 2016 Republican presidential hopeful did not deny he meant covert operations that the CIA used to overthrow governments such as those in Guatemala and Iran in the early 1950s and the…

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10 memorable lines from comedian Hasan Minhaj at the WHCA dinner By Eugene Scott CNN April 30, 2017 President Donald Trump was a no-show at the first White House Correspondents’ Association dinner of his presidency. But that didn’t keep “Daily Show” comedian Hasan Minhaj from addressing “the elephant not in the room.” Trump was a target for Minhaj when he performed at the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association dinner last year, and Saturday night’s routine wasn’t much different. Continue Reading…..

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Donald Trump, Jr.: My Father’s First 100 Days Fox News April 29, 2017 One hundred days ago, when my father stood in front of the American people and took the oath of office, an American resurgence began. After eight years of endless talk and speeches, sluggish growth at home and weakness abroad, a sense of optimism and opportunity is taking hold. In the first one hundred days of my father’s presidency, the country is witnessing something I’ve been lucky enough to experience firsthand my entire life—a man of action, who keeps his promises and gets results. Continue Reading…..

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Exclusive: Larry Klayman has footage of court officer trying to serve lawsuit to ex-prez By Larry Klayman April 28, 2017 Former President Barack Hussein Obama, a not-too-closet of a Muslim, apparently respects Shariah law more than America’s legal system. Proof positive: For years Freedom Watch and I have been attempting, through court-licensed process servers, to serve the former chief law enforcement officer with five civil complaints, which sue him not only in his past official capacity but also personally for violating American law. The cases filed against him range from the illegal and unconstitutional surveillance of his…

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Sessions Defends Trump’s ‘Right’ to Criticize Federal Judges By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax April 28, 2017 The real threat to an independent judiciary is its increase politicization, not President Donald Trump’s criticism of federal judges who have ruled against his executive orders, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday. “It’s right for the president, as he’s done historically over the centuries, to express opinions over judicial opinions,” Sessions told “CBS This Morning.” “They have a lifetime appointment. Their pay can’t be cut and their decisions can be commented on.” Continue Reading….. SEE ALSO: Time to Remove and Impeach Leftist Judges…

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax April 28, 2017 The latest decision by a federal judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (which not coincidentally is located in San Francisco) enjoining the implementation of President Donald J. Trump’s executive order designed to cut off federal funding to cities and states that allow for sanctuary cities shielding illegal immigrants from deportation, is just the latest example of how the judiciary is infested with leftist judges. Judiciary appointed by President Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama. Indeed, it is no coincidence that the recent decisions also invalidating President…

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