Author: Freedom Watch

Panetta Warns: North Korea Could Target 20 Million in Seoul By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax April 15, 2017 Former CIA Director Leon Panetta Friday urged President Donald Trump to exercise caution when dealing with North Korea and to take care not to engage in any “precipitous action” in reacting to President Kim Jong Un’s threat for a nuclear test this weekend. “There is no question this is a tinderbox,” Panetta, also the chief of staff for former President Bill Clinton, told the MSNBC “Andrea Mitchell Reports” program. “It has been for a long time, but we’re at a time…

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Larry Klayman says network’s Don Lemon deserves ‘Medal of Kremlin’ By Larry Klayman April 14, 2017 It seems that the “fake news” spewing daily from CNN, which I have come to regrettably label the “Communist News Network,” will never end! Now, the latest ruse, according to CNN, is that both Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee agree there is no basis to claim that former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice did anything improper in unmasking the names of American citizens, namely President Trump’s advisers such as Gen. Michael Flynn. This, of course, was allegedly…

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Contribute to our cause and support Freedom Watch or call 844 FW ETHIC to donate over the phone. We are your justice department fighting for your liberty against tyrannical government overreach. We Need Your Support for Our Leftist Media Strike Force By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel April 12, 2017 It seems that the “Fake News” spewing daily from CNN, which I have come to regrettably label the “Communist News Network,” will never end! Now, the latest ruse, according to CNN, is that both Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee agree there is…

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By Stephanie Hare CNN April 12, 2017 French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front (FN) party, told a television audience over the weekend that France was not responsible for the so-called Vél d’Hiv roundup of July 1942, when French police arrested more than 13,000 Jews, detained them for five days in the Vélodrome d’Hiver cycling stadium in Paris and then deported them. In making such a comment, Le Pen undermined any claims that the National Front had purged its party of its anti-Semitic elements. While this is unlikely to deter her core supporters, it…

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CNN Exclusive: Classified docs contradict Nunes surveillance claims, GOP and Dem sources say By Jim Sciutto, Manu Raju and Eric Bradner CNN April 12, 2017 After a review of the same intelligence reports brought to light by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides have so far found no evidence that Obama administration officials did anything unusual or illegal, multiple sources in both parties tell CNN. Their private assessment contradicts President Donald Trump’s allegations that former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice broke the law by requesting the “unmasking” of US individuals’ identities.…

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