Author: Freedom Watch

UN tensions with Trump administration mount as both sides dig in By Adam Shaw Fox News April 10, 2017 An era of relative harmony between the United States and United Nations appears to be coming to an end, as President Trump’s envoy takes on the international body’s inclination toward inaction — and U.N. leaders take swipes at the new administration in Washington. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley made clear last week that her tenure at the New York headquarters would mark a change in tone as she defended U.S. missile strikes against the regime of…

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Obama Official: ‘We Always Knew’ Assad Still Had Chemical Weapons By Wanda Carruthers Newsmax April 10, 2017 An official in the administration of former President Barack Obama admits they “always knew” Syrian President Bashar al Assad still had chemical weapons, despite a 2013 agreement that indicated otherwise, reported The New York Times. “We always knew we had not gotten everything, that the Syrians had not been fully forthcoming in their declaration,” Tony Blinken, a former deputy secretary of state and former deputy national security adviser under Barack Obama, told the Times. Continue Reading…..

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Larry Klayman calls on AG to impanel grand jury for probe of surveillance By Larry Klayman RenewAmerica April 10, 2017 Ironically, around at the same time House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., was recusing himself from the panel’s investigation over alleged Russian ties and collaboration with the Trump presidential campaign and transition team, as well as the illegal leaks and surveillance of the president himself, on behalf of Freedom Watch, I was filing a House Ethics Committee complaint against Nunes’ counterpart, ranking minority member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his not too subtle efforts to obstruct the…

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax April 10, 2017 Last week President Donald J. Trump’s pick, Neil Gorsuch, to replace deceased ironic conservative justice Antonin Scalia was, thanks to the invocation of the so called “nuclear option,” confirmed by the U.S. Senate. This was a huge victory not just for the president, who badly needed one after the healthcare debacle created primarily by the incompetence of Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Continue Reading…..

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By Wanda Carruthers Newsmax April 9, 2017 The Senate should eliminate the 60-vote rule, thereby doing away with the filibuster and making it a permanent order of business to require a simple majority vote on matters before that body, Larry Klayman, former federal prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, told Newsmax TV Friday. Republican senators changed the rules on Friday, allowing for a simple majority vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s pick, to the Supreme Court. Democrats had threatened to filibuster the vote. Gorsuch was swiftly confirmed and will be sworn in Monday. Continue Reading…..

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By Michael Dorstewitz Bizpac Review April 8, 2017 Will Schiff respond with the same honor as did Nunes? The Washington, D.C.-based conservative governmental watchdog group Freedom Watch filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee Thursday against Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee. Freedom Watch founder, Larry Klayman, who also founded Judicial Watch, joined in the six-page complaint against the California Democrat. Continue Reading…..

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