Author: Freedom Watch

Rachel Maddow: ‘I don’t necessarily want to hear from the White House on almost anything’ By Erik Wemple Washington Post April 6, 2017 Since Jan. 20, Washington has received ample indication that nothing is the same anymore. There’s been a press briefing merely to berate the media about its coverage of inauguration crowds; there have been presidential tweets about a reality TV show; “Fox & Friends” finally has someone who takes it seriously. And yet! Perhaps no indicator that the media has veered into terra incognita Trumpi is more sturdy than prime-time cable-news ratings from the past several…

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Freedom Watch Filed Ethics Complaint Against Schiff 8 Days Ago, Well Before Judicial Watch “Copycat” Complaint of Today! See Complaint embedded below Click to View PDF See also: VIDEO: Freedom Watch Filing Complaint Before House Ethics Committee Freedom Watch March 21 Letter to Chairman Nunes and Other Members of House Intelligence Committee

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax April 5, 2017 Our former socialist-minded President Barack Hussein Obama has now “exited stage left,” pun intended. He has now “wisely” fled his palatial mansion in Kalorama, Washington, D.C., and is currently holed up on a sunny Polynesian island, far from the burgeoning scandal he and his administration have left behind in his wake. In the last few days, it was revealed, as I predicted, that President Donald J. Trump was generally correct when he tweeted that Obama had “wiretapped” him and his staffs. Now, sure enough, we have learned that his former national security…

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CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell, Instructs Viewers to Ignore Story Grabien News April 4, 2017 Since news broke Monday that the Obama Administration’s National Security Adviser, Susan Rice, directed the “unmasking” of NSA intercepts of Trump associates, CNN has raced to shoot down the blockbuster report. CNN Tonight’s Don Lemon went so far as to announce he would ignore the news at all costs. While interviewing a Democratic congressman, CNN’s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought surveillance of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove. Continue Reading…..

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Unmasked Names of Trump Private Associates Sent to Clapper, Brennan, Rhodes By Cristina Laila Gateway Pundit April 4, 2017 Last night we reported on Mike Cernovich’s breaking story that it was former National Security Advisor under Obama, Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice who unmasked Trump and his private associates during surveillance. Fox News is reporting that the unmasked names of private citizens were spread to many different agencies and given to James Clapper, John Brennan and Ben Rhodes. Continue Reading…..

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Tuesday’s Morning Email: The Latest In The Russia Revelations By Lauren Weber Huffington Post April 4, 2017 BREAKING DOWN THE RUSSIA REVELATIONS Two bombshell reports dropped Monday from The Washington Post and BuzzFeed. The first alleged that the United Arab Emirates set up a secret meeting in January between Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Price – the founder of Blackwater – and a Russian who was close to President Vladi­mir Putin “as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump.” And BuzzFeed confirmed former Trump advisor Carter Page “met…

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