Author: Freedom Watch

Newsmax March 21, 2017 Judge Neil Gorsuch should play it straight during his confirmation hearings to replace Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court, former federal prosecutor Larry Klayman, founder of the government watchdog Freedom Watch, told Newsmax TV. “I think if I had any advice for the justice . . . I think he’s probably a very good man, but he’s being a little too theatrical there,” Klayman told host Miranda Khan on Tuesday’s “America Talks Live.” “He’s being a little bit too glib. I’d be much more serious about it.” Continue Reading…..

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By Tim Hains Real Clear Politics March 20, 2017 On this week’s edition of ‘This Week With George Stephanopoulos,’ Sen. Rand Paul discussed the president’s accusation that his campaign was spied on by the Obama administration: STEPHANOPOULOS: Finally, sir, you’re also a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. WE see the president standing by that claim about President Obama. It’s caused a rift now with British intelligence over the weekend. How big a problem is this for the president’s credibility? How does he fix it? Continue Reading…..

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Whistleblower Montgomery Provided Evidence to FBI The old expression about Washington, D.C., is that if you want a friend, get a dog! In the case of President Donald J. Trump, this is a lesson he has undoubtedly learned in his thus far short tenure as the commander in chief. Nowhere is this seen more than over the current controversy concerning the president’s claims that he was “wiretapped,” that is illegally spied upon, by his predecessor’s administration, former President Barack Hussein Obama. I, along with a few others, such as Fox News commentators Judge Andrew Napolitano and Judge Jeanine…

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So far, Trump has been mercifully incompetent By Dana Milbank Washington Post March 18, 2017 During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump remarked often on the stupidity of our leaders. He was under the impression that the rest of the planet was indulging in some sort of global guffaw at our expense. “How stupid are we? The world is laughing.” If so, what must the mirthful world think of our current state of affairs? This past week alone: The House and Senate intelligence committees said they saw no evidence for President Trump’s wild claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped…

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