Author: Freedom Watch

Fox News March 16, 2017 Bow Wow pushed his way into the Snoop Dogg-Donald Trump feud. The rapper said in a since-deleted tweet Wednesday, “Ayo @realDonaldTrump shut your punk a– up talking s–t about my uncle @SnoopDogg before we pimp your wife and make her work for us.” Bow Wow, whose real name is Shad Gregory Moss, was responding to President Donald Trump’s tweet to Snoop Dogg after Snoop Dogg released a music video where he shoots a clown dressed as Trump. Continue Reading…..

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Existing Roku users From your computer, go to the Freedom Watch TV channel at and click the Add Channel button. Or from your TV, load up the Roku home screen and click the “Search” tab and type in “Freedom Watch TV” (with spaces) and add the channel. New users You will need to purchase a Roku device ($30-150), hook it up to your TV, and sign up for an account (free).

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Freedom Watch Will Legally Intervene to Support New Trump Immigration Order Ruling Underscores Need for Non-Politicized Federal Judges (Washington, D.C., March 15, 2017). Today, ironically the Ides of March, a federal judge in Hawaii, perhaps the most corrupt state in the United States, and who not coincidentally was appointed by former President Barack Hussein Obama, temporarily enjoined the latest executive order issued by President Donald J. Trump, on purely political grounds, citing as his rationale irrelevant statements Mr. Trump made during his presidential campaign. Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, issued…

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By Adam Shaw Fox News March 15, 2017 Republican senators are asking Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to investigate claims that U.S. taxpayer money is being used to back left-wing billionaire George Soros’ political meddling and similar efforts overseas. A letter sent Tuesday asked for a probe into how U.S. funds are being used by agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to back left-wing political groups in other countries. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, one of the co-signers, even said foreign officials and political leaders have come to him with “reports of U.S. activity in…

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Fox’s Lou Dobbs: Ryan Should Resign as Speaker By Greg Richter Newsmax March 15, 2017 Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs says House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis. has accomplished “next to nothing” in his entire political career and should resign. Dobbs’ call for Ryan to quit comes amid a heated battle with the Republican Party over the plan to repeal and replace Obamacare and a day after Breitbart News released an audio recording of Ryan telling fellow GOP members of the House he had no intention of defending then-party nominee Donald Trump amid Trump’s own audio tape scandal.…

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Secret Service, U.S. attorney asked to review ‘incitement to violence’ against Trump By Bob Unruh March 15, 2017 London Daily Mail columnist Piers Morgan believes rapper Snoop Dogg recorded a video with “solicitation of murder” and “incitement to violence” against President Trump for the money. “Snoop was thinking: ‘This will grab headlines all over America, have the whole country talking about me and sell a bucket load of records,'” he wrote. Now, it’s possible that the recording, which includes a scenario in which “Snoop Dogg executes the president of the United States in effigy,” may get the…

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Freedom Watch TV March 14, 2017 Related Articles: Leftist Entertainment Industry “Run Wild!” Snoop Dogg shoots clown resembling Trump in new music video Klayman: Sad! I Like Gere as an Actor but He Is Ignorant of Israel! Stick to Buddhism, Richard – Your Apparent Religion! And Watch Out for Gerbils!

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