Author: Freedom Watch

Leftist Entertainment Industry “Run Wild!” Richard Geer Goes Pro-Palestinian/Anti-Israel! By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel March 14, 2017 With news that the black rapper Snoop Dogg has produced and aired a video advocating and effectively calling for the assassination of President Donald J. Trump, it’s clear that he would have already been arrested by the U.S. Secret Service were it not for his race. Here is what the linked Snoop Dogg video broadcasts: “This is the final call,” just prior to aiming a gun at at a clown dressed as the president. The black rapper then pulls…

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Richard Gere: Israeli settlements are ‘absurd provocation,’ ‘completely illegal’ By Alex Ritman Hollywood Reporter March 13, 2017 Richard Gere has voiced his opposition to Israel’s presence in the West Bank and the ongoing construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. “Obviously this occupation is destroying everyone,” the actor told Israeli newspaper Haaretz during a two-day visit to the country for the local premiere of Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer. “There’s no defense of this occupation.” Continue Reading…..

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Michael Savage Slams CNN for ‘Communist’ Attacks on Trump By Bill Hoffmann Newsmax March 11, 2017 Top radio host Michael Savage on Friday defended President Donald Trump’s war on the media, comparing many in American press to the “far left” and even the old Soviet Communist press. Savage, one of the country’s most influential radio hosts and the first major talk radio figure to back Trump’s presidential bid, made his comments during a Newsmax TV interview to discuss his just released book “Trump’s War: His Battle for America.” Continue Reading…..

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Anger mounts over handling of US attorney firings By Pamela Brown, Laura Jarrett, Kevin Liptak and Theodore Schleifer CNN March 11, 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked for the resignations of 46 US attorneys, igniting anger from officials who say they were given no warning about their dismissals. The Justice Department announced the firings Friday afternoon, and many prosecutors had not been formally notified or even told before they were fired, according to a law enforcement source. Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente was in the beginning stages of calling each US attorney individually to tell them…

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By R. Scott Moxley OC Weekly March 11, 2017 Recently unsealed records reveal a much more extensive secret relationship than previously known between the FBI and Best Buy’s Geek Squad, including evidence the agency trained company technicians on law-enforcement operational tactics, shared lists of targeted citizens and, to covertly increase surveillance of the public, encouraged searches of computers even when unrelated to a customer’s request for repairs. To sidestep the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition against warrantless invasions of private property, federal prosecutors and FBI officials have argued that Geek Squad employees accidentally find and report, for example, potential child pornography…

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