Author: Freedom Watch

(Washington, D.C., February 16, 2016). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former trial attorney in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, today echoed his deep concerns about reports that President Barack Obama is likely to appoint one of two judges currently serving on the DC Circuit; Sri Srinivasan and Patricia Millett to attempt during his term to replace juridical icon Antonin Scalia. Klayman issued this warning: “In the last few years, I have argued many cases before these two jurists and found them to be highly politicized. In one case,…

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(Washington, D.C., February 13, 2016). Today, upon receiving news of the inexplicable and ill-timed death of Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative icon, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, a former federal prosecutor in the Reagan Justice Department who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T and candidate in 2004 for U.S. Senate in Florida in the Republican Primary, issued this statement: “Freedom Watch and all Americans mourn the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, who seemed relatively young for a justice, robust and in good health, not only because he was a great patriot who loved…

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Date: Friday, February 12, 2016 at 2:15 pm Place: Courtroom 18 U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia 3rd and Constitution Avenues, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 (February 11, 2016). The Honorable Richard J. Leon will hold a hearing to discuss the status of three ongoing cases against the NSA and the CIA from violating the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution through its various “programs” which have been spying on virtually all American citizens. Previously, in the initial case (Klayman v. Obama, 13-cv-00851), Judge Leon, on two occasions, first on December 16, 2013, and then on November 9, 2015, preliminarily…

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Freedom Watch at Email: daj142182@<NOSPAM> Telephone: (424) 274-2579. Washington, D.C. (January 19, 2016) – Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch applaud the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today to hear an appeal of President Barack Obama’s grant of amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens, rewriting the nation’s immigration laws. Sheriff Arpaio was the first to file a legal challenge to Obama’s November 20, 2014, amnesty orders. Freedom Watch filed Sheriff Arpaio’s lawsuit on November 20, 2014, about two hours after Obama’s announcement. A series of Memorandum Orders signed by Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh…

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Freedom Watch at Email: daj142182@<NOSPAM> Telephone: (424) 274-2579. Washington, D.C. (January 19, 2016) – A challenge in federal court has been filed against the expansion of gun control laws by President Barack Hussein Obama. Larry Klayman filed the first-in-the-nation lawsuit Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida (Case No. 9:16cv80087). See to view complaint. On January 4, 2016, Obama announced new gun control rules by unilateral executive action. Obama ordered the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (“ATF”) and other agencies to enforce a new re-interpretation of the laws Congress…

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(Washington, D.C., November 20, 2015). Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit denied an emergency petition for en banc full court review of a decision by a three judge panel earlier this week staying the implementation of a lower court ruling by the Honorable Richard J. Leon that the NSA’s mass surveillance of the telephone metadata of nearly all Americans is unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment. Judge Leon’s grant of a preliminary injunction to plaintiffs on November 9, 2015, in a case styled Klayman et. al v. Obama et. al (DC Circuit Case No. 15-5307)…

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By Jody Godoy Law360, New York (November 19, 2015, 8:49 PM ET) – A lawyer and his firm fighting to have their information erased from the National Security Agency’s mass phone data collection program asked the D.C. Circuit on Wednesday for an emergency en banc rehearing of an order staying the case, suggesting the judges involved were swayed by the Paris attacks. A three-judge panel for the court granted a stay of an order compelling the government to delete the information on Monday, just weeks ahead of a deadline for terminating the program. Attorney J.J. Little and J.J. Little &…

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By Jody Godoy Law360, New York (November 17, 2015, 1:45 PM ET) – The U.S. government successfully parried a federal court order on Monday that would have required it to shut down its mass telephone record collection program just weeks before a law passed this summer requires the National Security Agency to replace the program with a more targeted regime. The D.C. Circuit froze U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon’s order that would have pulled the plug on the government’s bulk collection of call records to give the government a shot at appeal – an appeal that is unlikely to…

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(Washington, D.C., November 16, 2015). Just minutes ago, in the wake of the the Paris terrorist attacks, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit stayed the preliminary injunction order of Judge Richard J. Leon on November 9, 2015, pending appeal. This is the second time that this federal appeals court stayed Judge Leon’s orders finding that the Obama and his National Security Agency had violated the Fourth Amendment constitutional rights of millions of Americans, and in the judge’s latest order, the plaintiffs J.J. Little and J.J. Little & Associates. Larry Klayman, the lead plaintiff (Klayman v.…

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(Washington, D.C., November 12, 2015). Today, Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch and before that Judicial Watch, and a former federal prosecutor, announced that his client, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, had filed a petition for writ of certiorari before the U.S. Supreme Court. Earlier, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit had upheld a lower court ruling by an Obama-appointed judge to dismiss Arpaio’s challenge to President Obama’s executive amnesty for over 5 million illegal aliens, on the grounds that Arpaio lacked standing (14-cv-01966). However, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently ruled the…

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