Author: Freedom Watch

(January 14, 2015, Washington, D.C.) Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ordered an expedited briefing schedule for the case styled Joseph Arpaio v. Barack Obama, et al, (Case No. 14-5325). Arpaio and his lawyer, former Justice Department prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, Larry Klayman, appealed the lower court’s decision dismissing the case only minutes after it was issued. The Honorable Beryl A. Howell of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (1:14-cv-01966) found a lack of standing to sue, even though Sheriff Arpaio provided affidavits and evidence in court that…

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(Washington, D.C., January 6, 2015). Today, Larry Klayman, counsel for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, moved the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit Case No. 14-5325) to accelerate the appeal of a lower court order, issued by Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama appointee. On December 23, 2014, Judge Howell dismissed Arpaio’s lawsuit (14-cv-1966) on the professed grounds that it is simply a political dispute and that Arpaio could not show standing. To the contrary, however, Klayman and Arpaio assert that the lower court seriously erred and that a preliminary injunction should quickly issue to prevent irreparable…

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(Washington, D.C., December 24, 2014). Yesterday evening, an Obama-appointed federal judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by Larry Klayman, a former Justice Department prosecutor and founder of Freedom Watch, on the eve of Christmas, handing Obama an early Christmas present. (Arpaio v. Obama, 14-cv-1966). The ruling was not unexpected, given the judge’s comments in a hearing held last Monday, where evidence and argument was presented in support of Sheriff’s Arpaio’s motion for a preliminary injunction to freeze the status quo while the court could finally adjudicate the unconstitutionality of the president’s executive actions. For the most part, the judge’s decision to…

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(Washington, D.C., December 22, 2014) Today, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch appeared before the federal court in Washington, D.C., on behalf of his client, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, and argued to the Honorable Beryl Howell that she should enter an order immediately enjoining the implementation of President Barack Obama’s November 20, 2014, Executive Order effectively granting amnesty to roughly 5 million illegal aliens. Sheriff Arpaio was the first to file a lawsuit against the president for his Executive Actions. Mr. Klayman had this to say after the hearing: “On behalf of our client, Sheriff Arpaio, we are…

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Press Conference to Follow Off the Courthouse Steps on Constitution Ave. Date: December 22, 2014 Place: D.C. Federal Court, 3rd and Constitution Ave., Courtroom 15 Time: 9:30 AM (Washington, D.C., December 19, 2014) On Monday, December 22, 2014, Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia will hear arguments in a case styled Arpaio v. Obama, et. al (14-cv-1966) regarding Plaintiff Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s motion for a preliminary injunction. Sheriff Arpaio seeks to enjoin President Obama from granting legal status to approximately 4.7 million illegal aliens. Sheriff Arpaio’s attorney, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch…

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Date: December 22, 2014 Place: D.C. Federal Court, 3rd and Constitution Ave., Courtroom 15 Time: 9:30 AM (Washington, D.C., December 10, 2014) Today, Judge Beryl A. Howell of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an order in a case styled Arpaio v. Obama, et. al (14-cv-1966) granting Plaintiff Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s request for an expedited hearing and ruling on his motion for preliminary injunction. Judge Howell ordered Obama to respond to Arpaio’s motion by December 15, 2014, and scheduled a full preliminary injunction hearing for December 22, 2014. Arpaio and his attorney, Larry Klayman, former federal…

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KLAYMAN: TIME TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST OBAMA’S RACISM Larry Klayman November 28, 2014 When I was a young boy, I watched scenes on television of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. speaking and fighting for equal rights for blacks. Even at age 10, I was moved not only by his inspiring oratory but also his steadfast determination to bring freedom to his people; indeed bringing freedom to all oppressed people. Be you black or white, the civil rights leader, a true giant among men, even with his leftist connections, set the tone for a nation in ascension. Today, our…

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(Washington, D.C., December 4, 2014) Today, in response to President Obama’s announcement of November 20, 2014, that he on his own authority will grant legal status in the United States to approximately 4.7 million illegal aliens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona and his crime-fighting attorney Larry Klayman, have filed a complaint and preliminary injunction motion with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking to enjoin or stop this illegal action by President Obama. (See Sheriff Arpaio’s attorney, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and former federal prosecutor, is quite familiar with…

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(Washington, D.C., November 25, 2014). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, announced that Freedom Watch will provide free legal representation for victims of mob violence in Ferguson, MO. Most recently, Klayman won a preliminary injunction against the National Security Agency for its unconstitutional spying on millions of Americans. Now, Klayman has turned his attention to helping those unwillingly caught in the center of this national catastrophe. “We must seek justice for the innocent residents of Ferguson who have been harmed by those who do not respect the rule of law. Freedom Watch will not stand…

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