Author: Freedom Watch

Trial Set in DC Federal Court for April 4-5, 2013 Place: Courtroom 15, Judge Beryl Howell 3rd and Constitution Avenues, N.W. Time: 9 am – 4pm Each Day (WASHINGTON, D.C., April 3, 2013). Tomorrow, in a federal courtroom, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, will present evidence through his clients and key expert witnesses that Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the Supreme Leader, the Revolutionary Guard, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as a whole brutally tortured and murdered Akbar Mohammadi, a historic figure who was the first student leader to call for “regime change” as part…

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By Larry Klayman March 22, 2013 This week was a “potpourri” of hypocrisy and fraud, not that this is anything unusual these days. First, there was the dog and pony show put on by both President Barack Hussein Obama and the President and Prime Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres and Benjamin Natanyahu – a shameless display that sought to effectively defraud the Israeli people, and Jews and Christians in the United States and throughout the world. Traveling to Israel on his “new charm offensive” with his leftist and Botox injected Secretary of State John Kerry, our so-called president sought to…

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Over the last four years since he was fraudulently elected president – Barack Hussein Obama is not a natural born citizen eligible to be president of the United States – he has increasingly shown his real colors. Claiming at the outset of his 2008 presidential election campaign that he is a Christian, it has become apparent that his real allegiance to god is to Allah, and indeed he has worn a ring for over 30 years which proclaims his sole allegiance to this Muslim “deity.” Obama’s ties to Black Muslim leaders and other anti-Semitic racists, such as so called Reverands…

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Klayman and Freedom Watch Sued to Block Implementation of Executive Orders (Washington, D.C., January 30, 2013). Today, Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, announced that their complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (Ocala Division) (5:13-CV-26-OC-22PRC), has been expanded. The original complaint (see, filed under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the same law he used to take the Cheney Energy Task Force all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court for its having kept its meetings with energy lobbyists secret, and which he also invoked against the equally secretive Obamacare task force,…

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Klayman and Great Percentage of Americans Refuse to Recognize Him as “President” (Washington, D.C., January 21, 2013). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former candidate for the U.S. Senate in Florida, and the only lawyer ever to have obtained a court ruling that a sitting president had committed a crime (which occurred during the Clinton administration) today refused to congratulate Barack Hussein Obama with regard to his “inauguration” celebration and his having been illegally sworn in yesterday and today by Chief Justice John Roberts. Klayman is representing voters and a 2012 Presidential candidate,…

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FREEDOM WATCH SEEKS TO ENJOIN ISSUANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION OF BIDEN’S RECOMMENDATIONS January 15, 2013 WASHINGTON, DC. – Larry Klayman, the founder of Freedom Watch, announced today that he and Freedom Watch have filed suit against President Barack Obama’s and Vice President Joe Biden’s Gun Control Task Force. The case, brought in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (CV-26-22PRL), alleges that under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Defendants had a duty to the American people to provide at least 15 days notice to the public of the meetings which Biden has been chairing to recommend so called…

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Sets Dates For April 15-17, 2013 in DC Federal Court (Washington, D.C., December 17, 2012). Today the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch (, Larry Klayman, announced that the Honorable Beryl Howell has set a trial date for his billion dollar case on behalf of the Mohammadi family for April 15-17, 2013, in Washington D.C. Filed years ago on behalf of Akbar and Manouchehr Mohammadi, two famous student leaders who were instrumental in kick starting the freedom movement in Iran, and who were imprisoned, tortured and in the case of Akbar murdered by the Islamic regime in Iran, the…

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Dear Colleagues: It is now apparent that governmental functions have totally broken down; neither political party represents the American people and in effect we have no Republic. I propose that we all band together and organize civil disobedience to begin on inauguration day, January 21, 2013 in Washington, D.C. As explained in the column which I’m linking from World Net Daily our Lord Jesus Christ and Mohatma Gandhi should serve as the model for this civil disobedience. I think we all can agree that strong peaceful measures are required now, before the nation is totally destroyed. Please let me have…

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(Ocala, Florida, October 30, 2012). Larry Klayman, the founder and chairman of Freedom Watch today announced that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden have been criminally indicted for having willfully released classified national security information concerning the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound, U.S. and Israeli war plans concerning Iran and their cyber-attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The release of this information, among other harm to U.S. national security, resulted in the killing of members of Seal Team Six by terrorists and the arrest and imprisonment of American covert agents by Pakistan, such as the doctor who aided…

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Katzenberg Warned Of Potential New Holocaust (Washington, D.C., October 1, 2012). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch (see and, called upon fellow Jew Jeffrey Katzenberg, perhaps the most powerful man in Hollywood and a huge Obama supporter — Katzenberg having donated or raised as reported today over 7 million dollars for the president’s reelection — to use his considerable influence to push Obama to join with Israel at this time to militarily remove the nuclear threat by Iran. “It is clear, as demonstrated recently by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that Mr. Obama’s…

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