Author: Freedom Watch

Leftist Media and Politicians Intentionally Put the ‘Chicken Before the Egg’ WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, 2011 /Standard Newswire/ — Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and himself a U.S. Senate candidate in 2004, issued the following commentary in the wake of leftist claims that the alleged vitriol of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and other conservatives were the cause of the Arizona massacre and the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. “The left conveniently forgets the seminal act that led to the creation of this nation; the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, the Founding Fathers declared our independence…

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Agenda of MSNBC Host, Who Donated to Giffords Campaign, Benefits Most From Attempted Assassination WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2011 /Standard Newswire/ — Today, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch, Freedom Watch, and himself a U.S. Senate Candidate in 2004, issued the following statement: “Predictably, Keith Olbermann, the ultra-leftist vitriolic MSNBC television host of ‘Countdown,’ has used the tragic Giffords assassination attempt to blame the so-called ‘vitriol’ of Tea Partiers, Sarah Palin, Fox News and other conservatives for the shooting. Rather than looking to the policies and actions of the left for contributing to the revolutionary mood of the country, Olbermann wasted…

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Applauds Unmasking Harmful Foreign Policy of Clinton, Bush, Obama (Washington D.C., November 30, 2010). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and the public interest lawyer who the National Journal has called a “real force in Washington” through his cases that legally expose government secrets, today applauded the release of over 250,000 documents by WikiLeaks. Klayman is available for Talk Show interviews and issued the following statement: “While I do not condone breaking the law, if indeed this was the means to obtain and release so-called national security documents, the hard fact is that the government has…

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While Alleged Illegal Methods Not Condoned, Premier Government Secrecy Buster Applauds Unmasking of Dishonest, Incompetent and Harmful Foreign Policy Of Clinton, Bush and Obama (Washington D.C., November 30, 2010). Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and the public interest lawyer who the National Journal has called a “real force in Washington” through his cases that legally expose government secrets, today applauded the release of over 250,000 documents by WikiLeaks. He issued the following statement: “While I do not condone breaking the law, if indeed this was the means to obtain and release so called national security…

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Freedom Watch Seeks to Block Federal 9/11 Grant—Did President Obama Suggest this to Rauf? (New York City, November 23, 2010). Late yesterday, it was revealed that the Ground Zero Imam, Feisal Rauf, and his collaborators, had applied for a federal $5 million dollar federal loan with the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) to build the planned mosque. In response, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch issued the following statement: “This latest outrage by the Ground Zero Imam, incredibly coming as it does during our Thanksgiving Holiday period, was intended to be yet another ‘in your face’…

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Imam Feisal Rauf accuses Forras and his legal counsel of “blind bigotry” for exercising their rights to sue to stop the Ground Zero mosque (New York City, October 12, 2010). Monday, controversial Imam Feisal Rauf moved to dismiss the complaint which Vincent Forras, a First Responder, had filed against him and his planned Ground Zero Mosque, and countersued Forras reportedly for $50,000 USD. Forras and his counsel have not yet seen the pleadings of these defendants, but instead read about them in the New York Post, where Feisal used the opportunity to smear Forras and his attorney. The Post reported…

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As Klayman was about to bring legal action over theft of show, NBC cancels it (Washington, D.C., October 12, 2010). NBC’s new legal drama “Outlaw” was stolen by the network from Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. A few years ago, Klayman, through his agent William Morris, his writer John Romano (formerly of “LA Law”), Cary Brokaw of Avenue Pictures, David Madden, then of Fox Television Studios and recently elevated to President of Twentieth Century Fox Television, which had acquired the rights to Klayman’s life story, pitched the show in person to NBC executives. Klayman, who…

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