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Trump Rips Paul Ryan, Fox News By Eric Mack Newsmax May 28, 2021 It did not take long…
New York prosecutors are treating the Trump Organization like it’s the mob By Jacob Shamsian Business Insider May 28,…
Freedom Watch TV May 28, 2021
World Health Organization passes motion alleging Israel violating health rights Times of Israel May 27, 2021 The UN’s…
Encyclopedia Britannica May 26, 2021 When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to…
POLITICO Playbook: ‘Cloud of nerves’ hovers over Trump land after grand jury report By Rachael Bade, Tara Palmeri, Eugene…
Freedom Watch TV May 26, 2021
Sen. Rand Paul points at ’80s pop star after receiving suspicious white powder in package TheHill May 25, 2021…
The Wuhan Lab Leak Question: A Disused Chinese Mine Takes Center Stage By Jeremy Page, Betsy McKay and Drew…
By Ben Stein Newsmax May 25, 2021 An upsetting afternoon. I was quietly reading the news on my phone…