Larry Klayman on special counsel: ‘His band of leftist legal hacks have to go’

By Larry Klayman
July 23, 2017
It is now known, not surprisingly given Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s apparent vendetta against President Donald Trump and his family, that Mueller hired a Clinton Foundation lawyer, Jeannie S. Rhee, along with other Clinton and Obama loyalists, to do a hit job on the president. But what is not generally known is that, as recently as 2016, Rhee represented the Clinton Foundation against my racketeering lawsuit’s allegations that Hillary Clinton sold government favors in return for bribes, including by approving the sale of 20 percent of America’s uranium mine reserves to Russia and concealed the racketeering enterprise with her private email server. Now, not surprisingly given Mueller’s highly politicized and leftist legal team, Jeannie Rhee is investigating Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign as one of Mueller’s top lawyers. Will she and the others conjure Trump illegality? As they say in the South, “Do bears — these ones Russian bears — live in the woods?”