With complete and utter disregard for 1st Amendment rights, the corrupt, tyrannical Biden-Harris regime and their desire to shut down any possible threat to their overreach is continuing on. Freedom Watch’s Citizens’ Grand Jury will reconvene to discuss this matter and the actions to be taken to further protect the American people!
We the People, under the laws of nature and nature’s God, as were invoked by our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of Independence on or about July 4, 1776, must reclaim our legal system, as the current compromised federal courts will not mete out justice.
For more information contact Asher Anderson at Asher.andersonfw@gmail.com or (424) 335-5646 if you wish to be considered to be a Citizens Grand Juror. To qualify you must not have a criminal record and swear to be impartial and non-political in your deliberations.