For a tax deductible donation of $100.00 or more, which supports Freedom Watch’s vital work, get copies of both recent books by Larry Klayman, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!” and its sequel “It Takes a Counter-Revolution: Wake Up America!,” which not only chronicle the nation’s nearly fatal slide caused by the left, with now the Biden-Harris regime as its stooges, but offer real hard-hitting solutions on urgent ways to reclaim our beloved country from the near dead. In “Counter-Revolution,” Klayman proposes through Freedom Watch’s Third Continental Congress, declaring independence once again and forming a new government, with new leaders and new political parties, to recreate the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers. Citizens grand juries and citizens’ trial, and other solutions, are explored as well, to recreate a truly just system of justice which holds everyone accountable to the rule of law, regardless of political and social status.
Either book can be obtained separately with a donation of $50.00 dollars or more, or they can be purchased through Amazon.