Over the years, leading up to my having founded Judicial Watch in 1994, I witnessed, even as a prosecutor and defense trial attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice, the corrupt partisanship of our justice system. As just one example, detailed in my autobiography, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment!” I saw my section chief and higher ups at Justice deep-six a criminal prosecution of a textile factory owner in Greensboro, North Carolina, who had manufactured carcinogenic children’s sleepwear only to have it seized by court order. In defiance of this court order, which would have lead to the destruction of this harmful product, outlawed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the putative criminal defendant, Andy Troxler, broke bond and sent the harmful childrens’ sleepwear to Venezuela, not caring that kids there could get cancer.
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Larry Klayman explains goal of his group Freedom Watch
By Larry Klayman
October 13, 2017
Revelations this week that Hollywood mogul and producer Harvey Weinstein is a mass sexual harasser — one who has never been prosecuted for sex crimes — not only confirms the the sleazy nature of the Hollywood left, who covered up for Weinstein for decades, feeding at his despicable trough of cash and celebrity, but also the justice system as a whole. For me, the founder of both Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch (see www.freedomwatchusa.org), this came as no surprise, but for many ordinary people it stands as yet another chink in the burgeoning side of eyeopening revelations that Gotham City is headed for a crash.