While I graduated from Duke University in 1973 and later Emory University School of Law in 1977, and spent the next few years in Miami, Florida, as a young associate with the law firm of Blackwell and Walker, and later ran for the U.S. Senate in Florida in 2003-2004, with an interim 20-plus years below the Mason Dixon line in Washington, D.C., these life experiences are not the only bases to feel some kinship with Jeff, the former senator from Alabama. Generally speaking, Jeff and I share similar conservative views, and although we are hardly endorsed by the Southern Poverty Law Center or People for the American Way, two profiteering ultra-leftist groups who falsely brand anyone who disagrees with their ideology a so called “Hate Group or Person,” neither of us are racists, however fashionable the term has become in the last decade of the nation’s prior rule under President Barack Obama and his then-attorneys general Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.