By Larry Klayman
June 22, 2018
For a long time in this country, We the People were brainwashed to think that the United States had the most “just” legal system in the world. While we do live in the greatest nation on earth, one that we all must thank God for, over the years since our creation on July 4, 1776, the republic has gradually degenerated into a cesspool of government corruption and personal deceit and immorality.
Indeed, for me our greatest Founding Father and third American president, Thomas Jefferson, predicted this, stating that this inevitable downhill slide in ethics, morality and lawlessness by government elite establishments, and our general populace as well, would require a new revolution ever other generation. Jefferson even predicted that blood would again have to be spilled. He added that when the people fear the government, there is tyranny, but when the government fears the people there is liberty.