Taking several years to finally grow into a stage 4 malignant cancer on our body politic, it is no wonder that this revolution started by the left and pitting black against white, ignited a push back from vile radical right groups comprised of Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the Ku Klux Klan, as well as agitated many conservatives and their activists in general. Ironically, and predictably, in the words of Obama’s longstanding racially divisive Chicago pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright — who has been seen and heard on video chanting “God Damn America” rather than God Bless America — “the chickens have come home to roost.”
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What's Hot
By Larry Klayman
August 29, 2017
I have been predicting that war would break out between the left and the right and the races for several years, ever since former President Barack Obama and his attorneys general, first Eric Holder and then Loretta Lynch, for political purposes, in my opinion, sought to inflame African-Americans and their leftist voters by repeatedly accusing predominantly white cops of racial profiling and discrimination in carrying out their law enforcement duties. This constant drumbeat spawned or gave oxygen to radical black groups such as Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers Party, Al Sharpton and his followers, Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam, and hardly last but not least the radical anarchists of the hateful anti-fascist group Antifa.