Below are a few Churchillian quotes that explain my and hopefully someday soon the philosophy of the masses as well, that we need to soldier on against all odds, given the considerable attempted Leftist takeover of the nation not just evident in violent Leftist protests and assaults, but also within our corrupt Deep State Justice Department and FBI. Then there is the continued corrosive prominence in American society of the unethically and immorally minded persons like Hillary and Bill Clinton, Robert Mueller and his buddy James Comey, Obama’s intelligence czars John Brennan and James Clapper, George Soros, and former President Obama himself, to name just a few of their comrades in arms.
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By Larry Klayman
September 4, 2018
Ever since the election of Donald J. Trump as our 45th president of the United States, the war between Left and Right has escalated to not just a fever but also a potentially fatal pitch, particularly with the rise of vigilante groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. It has become clear to me in recent months in particular, that in the words of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II there must be total victory by we conservatives and those patriots who support the vision and creation of the Founding Fathers, without compromise, if this nation is to survive! We will not be taken prisoner! Either we win or else!