That is too much for the owners of Fox News, the Murdoch brothers, who are both liberals, can handle. Thus the “news” on Fox News — which boycotts the likes of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Chief Justice Roy Moore, and the Cliven Bundy family — is “watered down” to be politically correct and just enough to keep its conservative viewership! No wonder Hannity and Co. have not come to the defense of Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Matt Drudge, yours truly and many others who have been blacklisted by the network! So much for hard hitting free speech backed up with actions that go beyond just getting more documents and is designed to get results and not just generate more talk!
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What's Hot
By Larry Klayman
August 21, 2018
There has been a feeding frenzy in the media this week about President Donald J. Trump’s order removing the national security clearance of former Obama Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), as well as his announced review to consider removing the national security clearances of others related to the Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele dossier and related Clinton-Democrat scandals. Fox News, true to form, hyped this minimal act by the president, characteristically to boost its television ratings and thus “jingle” more change out of the deep pockets of its advertisers. Where are commentators on Fox News who actually want to do and are doing something about the current state of affairs, rather than just talk…?