Sessions’ directive to have the IG investigate is simply a cop out. The attorney general, under enormous pressure to appoint a special counsel, which could empanel a criminal grand jury, and ultimately indict and try lawbreakers, took an exit stage left, creating a false impression that justice will be done. This is because the alleged illegality occurred inside of Sessions’ own department, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Thus, the attorney general is pawning this serious scandal off on the fox which stands watch over the henhouse, the IG — whose head Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee!
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By Larry Klayman
March 29, 2018
As the French proverb says, “the more things change the more they remain the same!” Nowhere is this more true that with the disingenuous announcement by our inert and compromised Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the Inspector General of his U.S. Department of Justice was opening an investigation over the so called “Steele Dossier” and its allegedly illegal use in obtaining warrants before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to spy on persons in and around President Donald Trump, including possibly the president himself during his 2016 campaign. This Steele Dossier, containing apparently fabricated and salacious details about President Trump and his so called Russian connections, was used as a pretext, in part, to have Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — who himself had a conflict of interest over this matter — to appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate alleged Russian collusion by the Trump presidential campaign.