(October 15, 2024). Today, legal counsel for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Larry Klayman, the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor, announced the filing of a defamation lawsuit against Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden over their smears of both Arpaio and President Trump by branding “America’s Toughest Sheriff” a convicted criminal and felon. The lawsuit is styed Arpaio v. Harris, et al., 24-CA-005548 (Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Hillsborough County, Florida) and can be found linked at www.freedomwatchusa.org.
Sheriff Arpaio, known for his tough enforcement with regard to illegal immigration, has been a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, not just because of Trump’s strong stand and actions with regard to the Harris’s and Biden’s intentional lack of action and failures at the Southern Border, but generally as a true principled leader. Arpaio is on record calling President Trump “his only hero in his life.”
Klayman has this to say about the defamation lawsuit: “Yesterday, during President Trump’s rally at Prescott Valley, Arizona, President Trump recognized and mentioned Sheriff Arpaio several times, giving him accolades for his work. Predictably and shortly thereafter, Kamala Harris, and her leftist pro-illegal immigrant staff, attacked Arpaio. Given the close relationship between Sheriff Arpaio and President Trump, this and previous defamatory attacks by both Harris and Biden were intended not just to harm Trump’s candidacy for the presidency, but to incite violence against them. This dangerous rhetoric has already likely caused two assassination attempts against President Trump. In the past, Arpaio has also been targeted many times by the Mexican cartels.
Sheriff Arpaio is also at great risk given his having been defamed as well by Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, a former Mexican candidate for the presidency of Mexico and now the Mexican Secretary of Economy. Casaubon publicly blamed Arpaio for harming the Mexican people, a defamatory statement that also gave rise to a lawsuit, which I also filed on behalf of Arpaio. Arpaio v. Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, Civil Action No. 50-2023-CA-011956 (Palm Beach County, Florida) As Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Casaubon appeared before the Mexican Senate and accused Arpaio of being a murderer and gun smuggler. A few days later, Casaubon also had the arrogance to appear at the White House to meet with Biden/Harris’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. Casaubon subsequently resigned and then became a candidate for the presidency of Mexico. His conduct and public accusations gave rise to the legal action I filed against him for the Sheriff, which, after he evaded service of process, is now being served through diplomatic channels.
Sheriff Arpaio had served over 26 years with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and 24 years as Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona and has had a distinguished career in law enforcement.
My client is a decent and good man, not a convicted felon, and his efforts were at the forefront of at one time, prior to Harris and Biden, securing the Southern border from drug traffickers selling fentanyl and other hard narcotics, sex traffickers, Mexican gangs and terrorists and preventing them from entering our country. Harris and Biden could care less, however, given their agenda to allow as many illegals into our nation so they can later vote Democrat, as is even now permitted in states like California, New York and Minnesota, the home of Tim Walz, Harris’s equally radical socialist vice-presidential pick.
But what is also despicable and tragic is that Harris and Biden don’t care that their defamatory rhetoric is likely to cause more violence against both the Sheriff and his hero President Trump.
With the filing of this defamation lawsuit, Harris and Biden will be forced to legally answer for their actions.”
For more information contact Asher Anderson at freedomwatchinc@gmail.com