First, there was the vote in the Republican-run Senate Judiciary Committee this week to send a bill to the floor that would effectively prevent President Trump from firing Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his rabidly leftist staff. This proposed legislation was supported by the establishment chairman of the committee, Charles Grassley, and three other Republican establishment hacks including infamous “Never Trumpers” Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake. Not only is this bill unconstitutional, as the president has absolute power to fire Mueller as he is the head of the executive branch of government, and sits over “his” Justice Department, it confirms what I have been saying all along that The Donald better start watching his back.
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By Larry Klayman
April 27, 2018
As has been the case for some time when it comes to politicized law enforcement and the dishonest and unethical judges who infest the bench, this week has brought forth more political and judicial outrages, which if allowed to continue will soon bring down our great republic. Frankly, I am mad as hell and can barely take it anymore! It’s time for We the People to rise up and take control of our own destiny, before the nation as a whole sinks further into corrupt quicksand.