But what has proven to be even more disgusting are the “Brutuses” in the establishment wing of the Republican Party: the jealous, hateful and at this point senile John McCain, the childlike, two-faced House Speaker Paul Ryan and the moronic media whore House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, all of whom, along with other hacks like intellectually challenged Senate Intel Committee Chairman Richard Burr, have literally stabbed their own president in the back. While President Trump is not the modern-day Caesar, his presence commands deceit and disloyalty among those who covet the opportunity to run on the Republican ticket for president in 2020. To have this chance, they have to collaborate with the modern-day National Socialists in the Democratic Party to destroy our president. These political pygmies could have had a field day had they slithered around Paris during the reign of Vichy France in World War II.