As one can see from the recent experience with the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, whose confirmation Freedom Watch and I now support only for practical reasons — he is not the best or most intellectually honest candidate President Trump could have nominated, as I have previously written — Supreme Court justices are generally the product of the elite establishments of whichever political party controls the White House. Judge Kavanaugh is no exception, and although he has been outrageously smeared and branded by the vicious left as a sexual predator and a drunk dating back to his high school years, he is the reflection of the Washington, D.C. swamp, which puts, if possible, its own reptilians, in this case an establishment insider Republican, into power to do their bidding on the high court.
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By Larry Klayman
October 5, 2018
With all the rhetoric and talk of the integrity and sanctity of our Supreme Court during the Judge Brett Kavanaugh saga — and he will likely be confirmed this weekend — the American people have not been sufficiently educated on the “hard facts of life” about this venerable body. Contrary to folklore, the justices picked by the president and confirmed by the Senate are not the disciples of our Lord, but mortal persons who are the product of our generally compromised political system.