My client, U.S. Marine combat veteran Jesus Rivera, is an innocent man. But he reported to federal prison on Jan. 11th to serve 8 months of hard time.
You see, Jesus recorded the events at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C on January 6th, 2021.
He shot video on his smart phone and a digital camera as a work assignment for a local news station back home in Florida.
Jesus’ footage shows patriots peacefully protesting the stolen 2020 presidential election…and it exposes the Big Lie that January 6th was a “violent insurrection” that “threatened our democracy.”
Maybe that’s why the FBI illegally arrested him on January 20, 2021, when between 12 to 20 heavily armed FBI agents raided his home with guns drawn. They had no probable cause, and the search warrant was obtained through lies, even outright fraud.
And maybe that’s why District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in Washington, D.C. unjustly sentenced Jesus to 8 months in federal prison.
(Let me tell you, I’ve locked horns several times with Judge Kollar-Kotelly throughout my legal career. She’s a hardcore leftist and the absolute worst judge I’ve appeared before in 45 years. She is pure evil.)
Jesus didn’t even protest! He just shot video footage to provide for his family!
Now my client, an honorably discharged Marine who survived rocket attacks and exploding roadside bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan, faces constant danger from the real criminals he’s behind bars with…all because of bogus misdemeanors he didn’t commit!
What’s more, his wife and six kids will spend the next 8 months with knots in their stomachs, losing sleep, fearing for Jesus’ safety.
But violent members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa who rioted, burned buildings down, and worse haven’t even been arrested.
This is an OUTRAGE!
I’ve filed a critically important class action lawsuit on behalf of my client, Jesus Rivera. And on behalf of each and every January 6 Peaceful Protester who are getting brutally abused by the justice system as I write you this urgent email.
I’m suing everyone responsible for this outrage: the lead agents, each agent who searched Jesus’ home, even FBI Director Christopher Wray.
The shocking, un-American conduct as alleged in my lawsuit can’t be allowed to go on.
If the FBI can push around a peaceful, church-going Marine veteran for simply recording the events at the Capitol building on January 6th, they can push you and me, our families, friends, and fellow Americans around, too.
That’s why I beg you to stand with me at this crucial time.
I’m using two powerful lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to do this.
Please give what you can right away.
Thank you!

Larry Klayman
Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc.
P.S. My client, U.S. Marine combat veteran Jesus Rivera, has been thrown to the wolves by a rotten leftist judge. He’s an innocent men sentenced to 8 months in federal prison.
You can read more about my urgent class action lawsuit on his behalf and all January 6 peaceful protesters by just clicking on this link: . Just scroll down to read the legal document.