By Larry Klayman
February 8, 2020
Even with the acquittal of the President Donald J. Trump, the rabid Democrats are just warming up. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s shredding of the president’s speech after he delivered that State of the Union address last Tuesday was just for show, to appease her hate-filled leftist Democrat base. But this was just for starters. In the bullpen are not just the likes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler, Senators Chuck Schumer and Richard Blumenthal — to name just a few of the leftist hacks infesting our so-called Congress — but more sinister and dangerous is the Deep State embedded and lurking in the executive branch, which may be ready to strike again!
They know that the socialist if not communist and otherwise freakish — or in the case of Joseph Biden virtually brain-dead, Democratic presidential candidates — are unelectable losers and that The Donald is more than likely to prevail in 2020. Having already illegally and unconstitutionally surveilled the president, his family, and staff, triggering two witch hunts, the Russian collusion caper and now the Ukrainian scam, their evil talons and fangs are now being sharpened to take Trump down once and for all. Since their previous attempted coup d’etats failed miserably, what can we expect next?
See also: NEWS FLASH!: Hot War with Left Breaks Out! Support Freedom Watch!

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